Minutes of Meeting held 17 April 2024, at 7.00 pm
Kaz Mason, Richard Moss, Lyndia Lewis, Dave Welsted, Mike Howes and Rosemary Jones
It was agreed that Dave Welsted would chair the meeting.
Minutes of previous meeting:
The minutes of the AGM and committee meeting held on 28th February, 2024, were agreed and signed.
Matters arising:
Richard to purchase a £15.00 voucher that can be spent in multiple places for Sam Scott’s son. Dave to ring Kelly to ask permission to publicly thank him in the Oracle and the website.
Dave to investigate the capacitor for the electric heaters.
Dave to investigate whether the heater thermostat on the hot water boiler in the kitchen can be lowered. Richard to put up signs warning that the hot water is extremely hot.
Rosemary advised that someone had been found who had a use for the organ and it had been gratefully received.
Publishing list of Committee Members:
The village hall declaration of trust states there can be 8 Trustees, 5 which are elected and 3 co-opted.
The Committee members are:
Chair – Dave
Vice Chair – Mike
Treasurer – Richard
Secretary – Rosemary
Hall bookings – Lyndia
Publicity and Safeguarding – Kaz
It was agreed that Richard would ask Stuart if he would be the maintenance member and Lyndia would ask Penny to be a general member, both as co-opted committee members, i.e. Trustees.
A discussion was held on the representatives, who can come along to all of the meetings but do not have a vote. Jean is the only representative at the moment and it was agreed that the following should be asked:
Youth Club representative – Kaz to ask Jane
Parish Council representative – Dave to ask Karen
Allotment representative – Richard to ask Jill
Richard to speak to Jill and Stuart and arrange a date for cleaning the guttering, clearing the mud off the car park, painting the committee room and checking the marque.
The outside lights need bulbs and the security light needs looking at. Dave to replace the bulbs.
Food Safety Training:
Richard advised that he has e-mailed Breckland Council several times but not received a reply and he will keep trying.
Richard advised that the D Day grant of £500 has been received. The conditions state that food is provided and there is no charge for the event.
Dates and events:
20th April, Quiz night – Richard to provide £20 first prize in cash, 4 x celebration chocolates for the second prize and a tin of sardines for the booby prize.
19th May, afternoon tea – Richard to supply the menu and this will be included in the advert in the Oracle.
8th June, D Day – To have a 1940’s theme dress and music. Fish & chips and a hog roast were suggested. Richard to ask Sue and The Railway Tavern in Dereham and obtain quotes. Numbers are required for ordering the food and it was agreed that we would go around the village inviting everyone and people would have to let us know if they wanted to book food. Table tennis and other activities for children were discussed and Kaz to research bouncy castles.
It was agreed that the summer bazaar in July is cancelled.
September 13th – 80’s night, Kaz advised that the cost is £220 cash on the night.
October 19th – quiz / games night.
November 1st – Pot of Gold Shanty Crew.
November 30th – festive fair.
December 15th – festive afternoon tea.
Indoor bowls evenings – to ask everyone who attends whether this should carry on throughout the summer or resume again in the autumn.
Any other business:
The Committee discussed whether the general public could attend Committee Meetings. It was agreed that the public would be invited to attend the first part of all Committee Meetings; the meeting would have a two part Agenda, the first for general items such as events, training courses, youth club and maintenance plus an AOB, the second part would be for the Trustees and Representatives only and follow the usual agenda items i.e Apologies, Minutes of previous meeting, Matters arising, Treasurer items and any other points discussed on the Agenda plus a second AOB.
The Agenda would be published for everyone to see before the meeting and this would include a set point when the public should leave the meeting. The Minutes of the last meeting and the Agenda for the next month would be added to the Oracle and the website. The general public would be able to see the whole agenda and would be able to voice their thoughts at the next meeting and these would be discussed by the Trustees.
It was agreed not to renew the subscription for Creative Arts East this year.
Richard advised that there is a £500 credit on the SSE Energy account which will be deducted from our future energy invoices.
Richard advised that St. John’s ambulance had cancelled the First Aid Course on 28 April, and it was agreed to leave arranging another course until next year and advertise the proposed event well in advance in the oracle.
Date of next meeting:
The next meeting is scheduled to be held on Wednesday 29th May at 7.00 pm.
The meeting ended at 8.55 pm
Minutes of Meeting held 29 May, 2024, at 7.00 pm
General Section
Committee Members: Kaz Mason (KM), Richard Moss (RM), Lyndia Lewis (LL), Dave Welsted (DW), Mike Howes (MH), Jill Burgess (JB), Stuart Burgess (SB), Rosemary Jones (RJ) and two members of the public, Christine and Sam.
Jane Lambert and Jean Rocket-Woods.
The Chairman (DW) opened the meeting and welcomed the new members (JB & SB) to the meeting and explained that this is the first meeting being held with the new agenda, i.e. a General Section first followed by Committee Members (Trustees and Representatives) only afterward.
DW started by passing on congratulations for the May afternoon tea which had been very successful.
D Day event:
DW will provide Glen Millar music and MH to print the words to half a dozen sing-along songs so that everyone can join in.
Fancy dress – DW to ask Councillor Pete Bate to judge the fancy dress competition; we have two prizes, for over and under 18’s.
KM volunteered to set up table tennis and to get out some of the youth club games.
The Hog Roast comes with apple sauce and a roll. There are also vegetarian sausages and gluten free bread available. RM to check whether they will supply paper plates and serviettes.
Potato salad, coleslaw, salad leaves and tomato will be made by the ladies.
JB and Christine to look at Lidl ready prepared coleslaw, or prepare own version.
LL to purchase Ice Creams from Tesco, 80 in total, a mixture Tesco’s own cornets and lollies.
KM advised 44 people had confirmed they would attend and it was agreed that some of the committee members would knock on doors and see whether anyone else can attend. Depending on the numbers attending, JB to review whether any of the allotment holders should be asked.
KM to prepare some laminated posters and these will be placed around the village.
The marquee will be erected at 10.00 am on Friday 7th June.
The other events being held throughout the year will be discussed at the next meeting.
RM advised that Breckland Council had cancelled the face to face Food Safety training due to lack of interest. Four people are due to do the Level 2 online training; SB, RJ, Christine and Sam.
Following the recent incident in the crescent, it was agreed that more First Aid training is required for dealing with bystanders, treating children and the elderly.
RM to contact the first aid organisations and see what the options are, whether they could provide a bespoke course and get their advice. It was also suggested having first aid information posters placed around the village.
KM advised that she has received an e-mail from Breckland Mindful District Partnership enquiring whether Ovington would become a “Mindful” village. Five champions are required, KM would be one and LL is interested. KM to add to the Facebook page. There is a course being held on 14th June if we can get enough volunteers.
The back room is ready to be decorated. It was agreed the ceiling would be White and the walls Putty White. It was also decided that a new cord hard wearing carpet should be professionally laid.
MH to buy the paint.
SB to put up on the skirting.
MH and DW to obtain quotes for new cord carpet and samples from local suppliers.
It was agreed that the fence should be treated at the end of the summer.
It was agreed that the car park maintenance working party would be held on Monday 17th June at 2.00 pm.
Any Other Business:
No items were raised.
Members of the public then left the meeting.
Committee Members Section
Minutes of previous meeting:
The minutes of the AGM and committee meeting held on 17 April, 2024, were agreed and signed.
Matters Arising:
DW advised that he has not had time to change the light bulbs on the outside lights and security lights and it was agreed that these would be replaced by the working party.
SB to look at the thermostat setting on the water heater sited under the kitchen sink.
It was agreed that the carpet bowls would carry on throughout the summer.
Treasurer’s Report:
RM advised that there had been two major expenses this year, the fence and damp proofing. £2000 has been transferred from the savings account to the current account and following receipts from the elections and bottle bank recycling. There is approximately £2000 in the current account. RM has paid for the music licence.
Items from the general section:
SB to look at the existing skirting and see whether any can be replaced and work out how much new skirting is required.
Any other business:
RM to add SB to the Trustee’s WhatsApp group.
It was agreed that a fresh set of pads for the defibrillator should be purchased every time a set is used.
A discussion was held on whether another defibrillator should be bought for the village hall. Actions:
RM to research the costs, fitting, siting and then further consideration can be given.
To mention this at the D Day event.
DW to bring up at the next Parish Council meeting.
Date of next meeting:
The next meeting is scheduled to be held on Wednesday 4th September at 7.00 pm.
The meeting ended at 8.50 pm
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